Digital Edge Recruitment

We are curious about your background. Please answer the form below to proceed in the process with us.

After filling out the form you will be redirected to another webpage to do a quick coding exercise, so do not close this tab when you're done with the form. You will also receive a confirmation email with information about the coding exercise. Look in your spam folder if you don't find the email.

How can we contact you?
Have you programmed on your own initiative outside of i.e. school, work or another instance where you have been urged to develop?
Have you used i.e. github, gitlab, bitbucket to handle code?
Have you coded a website/web application? Only setting up a web page through wordpress, squarespace or similar does not count.
Have you sent a GET, POST or maybe a PUT request over HTTP?
Describe your two last development projects (professional or hobby) with a couple of sentences. What did you do? What techniques did you use?
If you have a github account, link it here
If you have a LinkedIn profile, link it here
If you have a CV, upload it here
What type of work are you looking for?
We have our office in Stockholm and expect all our employees to live in/relocate to Stockholm to join our team.
Please write a short line about your current location status and possibility to move to Stockholm if given this opportunity.
When would be a suitable time for you to start working?
(LinkedIn, a friend, someone who works here, recruitment firm, Google, etc.)